You can put a box around an entry in a diagram by inserting the
|| command anywhere in the entry; if you prepend a TEX dimension in |<>|s then the box will have rounded corners with radius
as the TEX dimension. There is also || that does the same
but makes a double box. Here are some examples:
& |
< 5
pt > |
< 5
pt > &
< 100
pt > |
< 100
pt >
As you can see, the radius is scaled down to be useable; furthermore
none of these commands are guaranteed to produce curves with a radius
of more than 40pt.
In "v3" many more frames are available.
In case you want `perfect' circles there are || and ||
commands that will just use half the width of the current entry as
their outer radius unless an explicit radius is given in |<>|s. They
should be used with ||; ,
will typeset
Many more frames types are described in the reference
manual [#!R94:XY-picRM!#].
In "v3" objects can be truly round.